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From the Heart Showcase 14

Welcome To
From The Heart Preschool!

Here at From the Heart Preschool, children learn through play, exploration and experiential exercises. We offer a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) early childhood curriculum. 

(S)CIENCE is a way of thinking. Science is observing and experimenting, making predictions, sharing discoveries, asking questions, and wondering how things work.


(T)ECHNOLOGY is a way of doing. Technology is using tools, being inventive, identifying problems, and making things work.


(E)NGINEERING is a way of doing. Engineering is solving problems, using a variety of materials, designing and creating, and building things that work.


(A)RT is a way to communicate.  Art is sharing creativity, thoughts and feelings through music, drama, language, drawing, painting, dancing and poetry.


(M)ATH is a way of measuring. Math is sequencing (1, 2, 3, 4), patterning (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2), and exploring shapes (triangle, square, circle), volume (holds more or less), and size (bigger, less than).

Our teachers provide a variety of hands-on, open ended activities designed to foster creative and critical thinking in young children. Our monthly field trips expand and reinforce these concepts. We take monthly field trips to area museums, parks, farms and other areas of interest.


From the Heart ensures learning takes place in a culturally diverse environment with culturally competent teachers.

"If you are living in or near Inglewood and you are looking for a HIGH QUALITY preschool for your child, look no further!!!!!"

"I love this school...teachers are great with the kids, Ms. Betty is outstanding and the parents love to be involved, even the grandparents get a chance to interact with the kids...I love it!"

"If you are living in or near Inglewood and you are looking for a HIGH QUALITY preschool for your child, look no further!!!!!"


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